Deciding to use cloth diapers in favor of throwaways is an excellent step towards helping the environment and possibly saving some cash along the way. However, once the laundry bag is full, then what? There are hundreds of helpful websites designed to help with this question, but here are the essentials we at NJ Laundry Services thought you should know:
Breastfed infants have water-soluble fecal matter, so there isn't much to worry about when it comes to pre-treating the diapers. Though, if your baby takes formula or is eating solid foods, then rinsing and pre-washing are good ways to prevent stains and to keep your laundry room from smelling. Here are some tips to keep in mind:
Here are Very Well Family's steps on how to clean cloth diapers broken down:
Taking care of your cloth diapers can help extend their lifetime of usage. Below are a few things you should avoid when washing:
Though we may not service cloth diapers, here at NJ Laundry Services, we offer professional cleanings and guidance for your clothing needs. Contact us today for more information on our eco-friendly detergent and softener, free pick-ups, and more!
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