So much is centered on finding the bride's dress when you are planning your wedding and then the dress is the centerpiece of the actual wedding day. What happens when all the festivities are over and the precious wedding gown is now hanging in the closet? Do you want your dress preserved for future generations? The good news is that proper care can preserve a wedding dress for hundreds of years.
When preserving your wedding gown, consider your two options: DIY care and professional care.
Professional care services are the best choice for long term preservation. If you know that you will use a professional, be sure to follow these tips.
At NJ Laundry Services, we know how important your wedding dress is to you and we will ensure that it will be treated with care. We only use the safest and most effective methods when caring for your dress. You can expect nothing less than museum-quality archival care for your own museum piece.
Do you need your wedding dress preserved? Contact us!
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