If you do believe you are missing something from your delivery, please notify us within 24 hours of receiving your clean clothes. Items Missing or damaged items must be reported to NJ Laundry Services within 24 hours of return of your laundered clothes. This report shall be submitted to info@njlaundryservices.com and shall include all of the following information unless otherwise deemed not applicable:
In the unlikely event that your clothes arrive back damaged please email info@njlaundryservices.com, including a photo and detailed description of damages, and any other evidence. If you are reporting a missing item, our count must be accepted unless a list accompanied your bundle . You must send this email to us within 24 hours of receiving the damaged item or missing item. We follow the International Fabricare Fair Claims Guide for reimbursement. Our goal is to always fix the problem first and if we can’t, then the refund process will start. Our support team will review and get back to you within 72 hours to notify you that your claim is being carefully reviewed.
Any report which fails to include the required information shall not be accepted by NJ Laundry Services and accordingly remove any and all liability of NJ Laundry Services and NJ Laundry Services’ Provider/Partner for the missing or damaged item. Additionally, failure to report the missing or damaged item(s) within 24 hours shall remove any liability of NJ Laundry Services for the missing or damaged item. NJ Laundry Services shall use the report to determine, in its sole discretion, whether any refund or credit will be issued to the customer. NJ Laundry Services shall respond to the customer with its decision no later than 5 business days thereafter NJ Laundry Services’ receipt of such report. If, after investigating the report and claim of loss or damage, Laundry decides to issue a refund or credit, such refund or credit shall be issued for the value of the damaged or lost item as specified in the International Fabricare Fair Claims Guide. This guide takes into account the average life of the garment, depreciation for the age of the item, and the current replacement cost. If the customer is unable to document the age of a garment, NJ Laundry Services reserves the right to limit the maximum age of any garment to one year. If no current replacement cost is available NJ Laundry Services reserves the right to use the replacement cost of a comparable item currently available.
NJ Laundry Services and NJ Laundry Services Providers/Partners are not liable for any pre-existing damage to a garment or other item and reserves the right to return any item without cleaning it if any pre-existing damage is found or if NJ Laundry Services or the NJ Laundry Services Provider/Partner has a concern about the colorfastness or the age or weakness of the fabric of such item. All refunds/reimbursements offered by NJ Laundry Services to the customer, must be claimed by the customer within a 30 Day period. Once the 30 day period has expired, the customer’s claim will be considered resolved and closed.
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